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PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby SMUstang » Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:55 pm

The smartest move for everyone west of the Mississippi river is for the Pac-12 and the Big XII to merge. Everyone would benefit, and the competition would be with the B1G and the SEC. SMU and SDSU could still be nos. 23 and 24 in the new conference.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby Water Pony » Mon Feb 06, 2023 12:33 am

SMUstang wrote:The smartest move for everyone west of the Mississippi river is for the Pac-12 and the Big XII to merge. Everyone would benefit, and the competition would be with the B1G and the SEC. SMU and SDSU could still be nos. 23 and 24 in the new conference.

I continue to believe a merger or alignment between the PAC12 and BigXII would be bad news for SMU. The BigXII would make sure SMU was eliminated from membership as a condition.

However, if PAC12 added SDSU and SMU before any such discussion, we would avoid a blackball by our "friends" in the BigXII.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby SMUstang » Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:27 am

I hope you are wrong, because I think that is what is about to happen. The only reason I can think of for the Big XII to blackball us is the dp which happened almost 40 years ago. And now paying players is legal, and UT is out of the picture. Dallas is too big a market to ignore. The media value of the combined conference would be far greater than the individual conferences.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby SoCal_Pony » Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:51 am

No serious journalist/person following the PAC is talking about any B12/PAC merger,…there might have been some preliminary inquiry discussions last year, but nothing meaningful occurred and it was quickly shot down

There has been discussions about OOC scheduling between the PAC & ACC, which would be great for SMU
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby Rla1022 » Mon Feb 06, 2023 1:07 pm

Edit. Nvm. Post was 2010 but here’s the link https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/ ... t.amp.html
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby crispy_taco » Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:23 pm

I could see a merger of some sort happening. I don’t think it’s a great idea for those schools unless the money is too much to turn down. Under the current expanded playoff rules, the amount of guaranteed playoff spots would decrease by one. Once the playoff expands, the PAC and big 12 are guaranteed at least one spot each. That has to be some sort of incentive for PAC to stick together. Unless they were to reach an agreement that the merger is guaranteed two playoff spots.

Seems like a pretty good deal for Oregon Utah Washington. Easier path to contention each year.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby EastStang » Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:01 pm

It all depends on the TV suits. If they are low balling the PAC 12 to get them to merge with the Big XII, then its probable. But I have heard no chatter to that effect and there are serious journalists out there digging for such a story. The only other issue is whether Oregon and Washington flee or become independent. That is wholly possible as they don't want to sign onto the current GOR offers out there right now. So will the PAC stay together for now, or will they splinter and either way, that's where the door opens for us.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby Dukie » Mon Feb 06, 2023 3:04 pm

JasonB wrote:
Dukie wrote:
PlanoStang wrote:Just saw a breaking news report that Texas, and Oklahoma won’t be joining the SEC until 2025.

Yeah, they've been completely unable to break the GOR, and apparently not willing to offer enough money to amend it to let them out (which if I'm the Big 12, I want the full amount anyway).

Agree with the above that the value of the school to the conference matters most (ahem, Notre Dame), but it will matter to any conference except the $EC, and moreso to the PAC than anyone else, whether the school in question is controversial. BYU and Baylor are. Notre Dame and SMU (and TCU for that matter) are not.

I think it is most interesting that they spent months negotiating with the conference about the exit fee, finally came to an agreement, and then it was the networks that said "nope". The networks get such high value out of the current contracts that they are holding everyone tight to the GOR. It tells you how much the valuation of sports has risen over the past 10 years.

True, but not "the networks" saying no but just Fox. ESPN has some Big XII rights and pretty much all important SEC rights. They couldn't figure out a way to give Fox enough.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby gostangs » Mon Feb 06, 2023 4:04 pm

SMUstang wrote:I hope you are wrong, because I think that is what is about to happen. The only reason I can think of for the Big XII to blackball us is the dp which happened almost 40 years ago. And now paying players is legal, and UT is out of the picture. Dallas is too big a market to ignore. The media value of the combined conference would be far greater than the individual conferences.

Not sure why you say the media value of combined would be far greater. i think the opposite. Big12 already has an issue of too many teams next year and the next. The various options (of which there have never been more) all want more content - not less - and a mega conference makes fewer options for fewer media sources.

There is never going to be a merger. Just doesn't make money sense. Also - Big 12 deal is set (GOR) for the foreseeable future which everyone seems to want to ignore while they throw stuff on the wall.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby HubbaHubba » Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:52 pm

Most useless thread of all time? I keep getting drawn in thinking there is actual news but just endless speculation. If we actually get invited :o someone should start a new thread.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby PK » Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:20 pm

^^^^ Amen
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby ponyboy » Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:41 pm

This came out four hours ago. Interesting read.

https://mikefarrellsports.com/featured/ ... sion-ideas
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby mtrout » Mon Feb 06, 2023 10:54 pm

Tied for the 5th PAC12 option. Nice. Are these articles now all written by chatgpt?
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby AusTxPony » Mon Feb 06, 2023 11:45 pm

Interesting counterpoint to all these articles is no mention of Boise being made. That says to me that Academics and Market are more important than wins in football.
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Re: PAC12 Scenario = Expansion

Postby mrydel » Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:44 am

AusTxPony wrote:Interesting counterpoint to all these articles is no mention of Boise being made. That says to me that Academics and Market are more important than wins in football.
Except in this article Boise is the 3rd choice after SDSU and BYU

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