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Great article on the absurdity of the BCS-BS...

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Great article on the absurdity of the BCS-BS...

Postby NavyCrimson » Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:07 pm

here it is - from the c-usa board:



Mike Celizoc MSNBC

Long live the BCS!
Use it for everything!

Why should college football get all the fun? The BCS can resolve anything


Dec. 2 — I have seen the light (It was a lot like a lava lamp, you know, viscous and, like, groovy). and I am willing to renounce the error of my ways. The BCS is not — as I, a miserable sinner, have said so many times before — the alpha and omega of abominations. It is the most sublime, perfect system ever devised.

O, WHY DID I not see this before? Was it because until now I never had the nerve to eat wild mushrooms I’d picked myself, using a tofu-stained educational place mat from a health-food restaurant as my harvesting guide?
It’s possible.
But it doesn’t matter. What is important is that I now understand that the BCS, far from making a travesty of a sham of a mockery of a debacle of the college football championship, is the one device that can settle all questions. Yes, not just in sports, but in everything we do.
Imagine how much less messy the World Series would have been with a BCS system instead of a three-tiered playoff system. If Major League Baseball worked the way major college football functions, the Yankees never would have had to deal with those pesky Marlins.
The Marlins wouldn’t have made the World Series — or, as it would have to be renamed when we use college football’s elegant and perfect system, the Dodge Mark of Excellence Like a Rock Commissioner’s Bowl — if baseball had been wise enough to have a BCS. Too many early season losses to poor competition would have knocked Florida down so low in the computer’s silicon substructure it could never have qualified for the big game.
You look at quality wins, strength of schedule, and won-loss record, and the Yankees had to play for the national title, as they did. And only the Braves could have played against them. The computer would have seen to that.
And the Marlins?
They would have played another low playoff team — the Twins come to mind — in a lower level series, with the winner getting some nice parting gifts.

The NFL could use the BCS, too. If it did, we wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of the Bengals making the Super Bowl. They wouldn’t qualify. The Titans, instead of being tied with the Colts, would be several notches lower because of a late-season loss to an unranked team, the Jets.
Instead of worrying about tiebreakers and wild cards and division winners, the NFL could concentrate on three or four teams and forget about the rest of them. And instead of debating whether New England is better than Kansas City and then having to watch them decide it in the playoffs, we could let the computer — with a bit of help from voting coaches and sportswriters — decide which is better.
Why bother playing when a computer can figure it out for you? Especially when guys could get hurt playing football.
All college sports would benefit from a BCS system, too. College basketball is especially messy with its 65-team playoff that consumes an entire month that students could put to better use organizing keggers and planning their spring-break expeditions. Why not let the computer decide which two teams play for the title and let it go at that. It would save all of us a lot of time and agita that goes into those stupid office pools.
(They’re stupid because I never win; in fact, the dweeb who thinks a bracket is something you use to support a book shelf always wins. Either him or a female co-worker who picks her teams based on whether their colors match her earrings.)
If we used a BCS in the Olympics, we could cut the expense and congestion of the Games down to just about nothing. Instead of every country sending dozens, if not hundreds and thousands, of athletes to the games, we need only send the two people in each sport picked by the computer with a little help from the coaches and sportswriters. The whole thing would be done in two or three days, freeing up valuable television viewing time for reruns of “Most Extreme Elimination Challenge” and “Monster Herb Garden.”
And let’s not forget auto racing. It’s a dangerous sport, but only because there are so many cars on the track. Most of them can’t win, and, even if they could, they shouldn’t be allowed to if they haven’t won before. So instead of having 30 or more cars at Daytona or Indy, let’s go to the rankings, get the top two cars, and let them race. The other guys can go drive go-carts until they get enough computer points to drive for the title.

It would work just as well in tennis, golf, figure skating and other individual sports. If Tiger Woods and Vijay Singh are Number One and Number Two in the rankings, they’re the only ones who should be allowed to play for the green jacket, because they earned the right where it counts — on the mother board.
You could play the U.S. Open Tennis Championships in one day, saving anyone who has to drive through Queens two weeks of traffic jams that are even worse than the usual daily fare.
And if figure skating were intelligent enough to let the programmers decide which two skaters are the best, we’d eliminate a lot of finagling room for the judges. It’s hard to jump somebody from fourth to first or drop them from first to fifth when there’s only first and second.
But why stop at sports? Imagine how much more smoothly the presidential campaigns would go with a BCS. I mean, how much should an Iowa caucus win over Al Sharpton count anyway? Rank the candidates and have the top one from each party play off in November. Gets rid of those silly political conventions, which haven’t been worth watching since Walter Cronkite was anchoring the coverage.
Don’t know what to order for dinner? Let the BCS decide. Can’t decide whom to date? Call the BCS. Having a hard time figuring out which of five movies deserves the Oscar? Never fear, the BCS is here.
And while we’re at it, somebody tell Saddam and his followers to give up. They lost to a high-ranked opponent. They’re eliminated. They should just go home. The BCS says so.

For some strange reason, one of the few universities that REFUSE to use their school colors: Harvard Crimson & Yale Blue.
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