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PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:14 am
by Special_Delivery_Smu_Fans
re: I'd like to say a big 'thanks!' publicly to all the folks at the Special Delivery table who made me feel very welcome!

You are quite welcome Mr. Mustang65!

It was great to have Coach Joe Sawyer and SMU DB Joe Sturdivant at our table.

Coach Sawyer is so enthusiastic we were all ready to "put the pads on"!

Thanks to everyone at our table including JD of PonyFans, The Bus, Big Horse, South Pony, and the rest of the Special Delivery gang.

The luncheon appreared to be a big "sold out" success and will hopefully only get bigger and better as SMU continues to improve it's football program.



PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:08 am
by 2112
It was exciting to HAVE a "BIG TIME" event for SMU!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:14 am
by WorldStang
More stories from this event!!!

You guys fill us in on what was said by any players/coaches at your tables? Any surprises? Stories?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:37 pm
by Caballo
SMU Football event
Just got back from the Radisson and had a blast listening to all the stories from the SMU Football Kickoff Luncheon. Roger Staubach and Phil Bennett were great.

It was funny listening to Bennett, the SMU coach, telling everybody about the last time he saw Staubach. It was his first game as coach against Navy in 2002. "When I walked out the tunnel I saw Roger and the grass is on fire," Bennett said. "And then Navy was on fire against us." (The grass circle across from the tunnel caught fire because of some fireworks problems.)

Roger was great. Talked about needing more players in the Cowboys' Ring of Honor and finding a driver for his new NASCAR team.

Posted by Calvin Watkins at 4:37 PM (E-mail this entry)

This was on the DMN sports blog page. As you can see, it was posted by Watkins.

Did I sleep through part of my dessert? I don't remember Roger saying anything in his speech about the Ring of Honor or NASCAR. Can anyone tell me what else I missed?

Roger's best line, talking about going the extra mile for your teammates, "There are no traffic jams on the extra mile."

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:58 pm
by MrMustang1965
He made the comments about the Ring of Honor and the NASCAR driver after the luncheon when he was talking to the reporters. I eavesdropped on the impromptu news conference. :wink:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:01 am
by oakley
Hate to mention this, but most of the folks in that luncheon were Roger jock-lickers.

Either they work for (and thus draw their livelihood from) Rainwater, Roger's boss, or they were in the commercial real estate business and doing a deal with The Staubach Co (lots of free seats). There was the same aged ponyfan group there, of course.

There was 10 times the media, and you guessed it, they were there for the staub.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 7:30 am
by 2112
But he still wasn't in Waco, for ANY Baylor event ! You clown! :twisted: LOL!!!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 8:45 am
by DiamondM75
oakley wrote:There was 10 times the media, and you guessed it, they were there for the staub.

Even if they were there for the dodger, it is a great event that gets media coverage. This is the most media coverage SMU has had in a long time, and I welcome it, even if they were there for Roger.

We were still covered in the local media and SMU was mentioned on every broadcast. Also, having Roger show some support of the local Div 1 college team never hurts.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:09 am
by WorldStang
oakley wrote:Hate to mention this, but most of the folks in that luncheon were Roger jock-lickers.

Either they work for (and thus draw their livelihood from) Rainwater, Roger's boss, or they were in the commercial real estate business and doing a deal with The Staubach Co (lots of free seats). There was the same aged ponyfan group there, of course.

There was 10 times the media, and you guessed it, they were there for the staub.

Hope you feel better since you "had to mention this.. " LOL

What an [deleted] clown

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:15 am
by Thumper
oakley wrote:Hate to mention this, but most of the folks in that luncheon were Roger jock-lickers.

Either they work for (and thus draw their livelihood from) Rainwater, Roger's boss, or they were in the commercial real estate business and doing a deal with The Staubach Co (lots of free seats). There was the same aged ponyfan group there, of course.

There was 10 times the media, and you guessed it, they were there for the staub.
Do you know all this because you were there? Did you go to an SMU event that wasn't even a game against Baylor?
Get help. Or a hobby.
Or, if you weren't there, stop making assumptions about people (luncheon attendees) that you don't know.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:26 am
by Insane_Pony_Posse
re: Either they work for (and thus draw their livelihood from) Rainwater, Roger's boss, or they were in the commercial real estate business and doing a deal with The Staubach Co (lots of free seats)

Can you provide any proof of what you are implying?

I saw tons of familar faces at the luncheon.
It was not at all like you are implying that a bunch of commercial real estate people not in any way associated with SMU made up the bulk of the attendence of the luncheon.

SMU gets a great speaker for their kickoff luncheon and you twist that into something negative, but if they had some nobody there you would be screaming about how "so and so school got Roger Staubach to speak at their luncheon while SMU had a nobody". Good grief....get a life!