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My meeting with the Associate AD...

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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby Mickey » Sat Nov 22, 2003 7:55 am

Originally posted by Stallion:
So did he estimate what year the COMMITMENT at SMU actually begins? Do you think we'll get that new degree program by 2005? 2007? 2025? Let me be the first to step to the plate and say that this concept of we will have a full commitment at some unknown date in the future is a PIECE OF CRAP. Just like recruiting only a JC QB and neglecting other positions of immediate need is throwing a bone to the many naive posters on the board in the hopes that will continue to financially support a program that has its head up its [deleted]. They've had 15 years-quite frankly put up or shut up-if changes can't be made after a 0-12 fiasco they never will.
Count me in with Stallion. SMU has torn the program down for the past 15 years. We have finally hit ROCK BOTTOM. Are we going to take another 15 years to build it back up?

How about a sense of urgency like TCU had about 6 years ago? Get it done NOW! We don't need anymore "be patient" advice.

If the AD will really make THE COMMITMENT, I will double mine. Show us something besides talk.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby JasonB » Sun Nov 23, 2003 8:05 pm

Sorry to have not responded earlier... I have been on vacation.

Stallion, I totally understand the negativity, because it has been a real tough two decades for anyone involved with the program.

I made it clear when talking to Chris that we needed to do something NOW. I also made it clear that I believe we need to fill several positions NOW with JUCOs in order to keep up the momentum and help Bennett out.

I was pleased with the response, because Chris indicated that the entire athletic department shares that sense of urgency. They would love to bring in some JUCOs and patch holes. They would love to find OL, DL, and secondary players to fill those holes.

However, right now the thing that is most in the way is the curriculum issue. They will not wait until 2015 or 3015 to set up a new degree program. My understanding after the meeting was that they will do it as soon as they can get the money. Which will require us to step up to the plate. That won't impact this year's recruiting, obviously. But could we get it done by next year? I don't see why not...

My feeling was that YES, SMU DOES, in fact, understand what position they are in, and that they want to do something about it, and pull the program up NOW. I, for one, intend to stay involved with the athletics program, and keep the pressure on, and do my best to ensure that it gets done sooner rather than later. I encourage each and every one of you to do the same.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby Stallion » Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:06 pm

....and that is exactly why I have never said we should be firing anybody-they KNOW what the problem is - they just don't want the rest of the supporters to know what the real reasons are for SMU's lack of competitiveness. Instead, they just fire a coach every 4-5 years so they can deflect the criticism from the real reasons.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby KnuckleStang » Sun Nov 23, 2003 9:48 pm

"There is a committee looking into establishing a new degree friendly to athletics. A new degree would have to be financially supported by the athletic department, which is why it is important that we donate to the Club. Apparently, even Rice has a degree like that."

Are you saying that Rice has athletics-friendly degree programs that are funded by their athletic department? If so, I'd like to know what other schools fund degrees in that way, besides Rice. Seems a little odd. I'm not being smart, I just really would like to know, because I've never heard of anything like that. If the AD funds it, does that mean the AD "oversees" it? Is it even connected to the university in any way?

I always assumed the administration's resistence to "dumbing down" the curriculum was based on "principle," not money. SMU is a very well-endowed university, I find it hard to believe they couldn't find a way to fund something like that through the school, if they wanted to. Now they're saying, "We won't pay, but if you jocks want to raise the money yourself, go ahead, we'll just look the other way?" What the hell is that about. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

I am all for having a P.E. major, and the coach being able to sign a couple JUCOS here and there. But does the degree program really need to be funded by the AD? Is our school that poor? I might be stating the obvious, or preaching to the Mormon Tabernacle, but the whole thing sounds fishy to me. Academic standards are great, but if they're going to make a change, they should MAKE A CHANGE, instead of doing some half [deleted] degree program thing, funded by the Mustang Club, all the while saying their concience is clear, cause they don't fund jock majors.

That said, Jason, thanks for the great report. Took a long time to type all that stuff in, I'm sure.

<small>[ 11-23-2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: KnuckleStang ]</small>
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby MizterTea » Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:30 pm

Originally posted by Stallion:
....and that is exactly why I have never said we should be firing anybody-they KNOW what the problem is - they just don't want the rest of the supporters to know what the real reasons are for SMU's lack of competitiveness. Instead, they just fire a coach every 4-5 years so they can deflect the criticism from the real reasons.
may they are not at liberty to say because of internal "political" issues at the school. Perhaps angry alums should be talking to the Board NOT the AD - since it sounds like the athletic department's hands are tied. Just a thought.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby cowboypony » Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:09 pm

I think we all agree that a sports friendly major must be added. If indeed this is being considered, why don't they send out a letter explaining that it's being looked into and ask us for money. If I got that letter, I'll write the check the same day.

I think what many on this board are trying to say is that we've been hearing about various solutions for 15 years. So far, we're no better.

The letter that Copeland sent out a few weeks ago was long overdue. I think, however, to just presume that a continued "global" request for money is going to work, is plain naive. I happen to think the school is doing lots to turn this around sooner than later. I also believe that those of us who have been suffering for 15 years can't be expected to "blindly" give more money.

In short, Mr. Copeland, send us a letter stating that a sports related degree program is being developed to go into effect in 2004-05 and we need X amount of $$. Again, if that letter comes, I'll write the check as I'm sure would most on this board. I truly believe it can be that simple.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby cowboypony » Mon Nov 24, 2003 2:09 pm

I think we all agree that a sports friendly major must be added. If indeed this is being considered, why don't they send out a letter explaining that it's being looked into and ask us for money. If I got that letter, I'll write the check the same day.

I think what many on this board are trying to say is that we've been hearing about various solutions for 15 years. So far, we're no better.

The letter that Copeland sent out a few weeks ago was long overdue. I think, however, to just presume that a continued "global" request for money is going to work, is plain naive. I happen to think the school is doing lots to turn this around sooner than later. I also believe that those of us who have been suffering for 15 years can't be expected to "blindly" give more money.

In short, Mr. Copeland, send us a letter stating that a sports related degree program is being developed to go into effect in 2004-05 and we need X amount of $$. Again, if that letter comes, I'll write the check as I'm sure would most on this board. I truly believe it can be that simple.
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Re: My meeting with the Associate AD...

Postby QuietManDisciple » Wed Nov 26, 2003 9:02 am

Now you've gone and done it, JasonB. You stepped on Stallion's tender hooves! It's no coincidence that the only negative (do I dare say hostile?)reaction to your excellent report came from him.

Week in and week out Stallion puts more words on this board than any other five posters combined. We're supposed to take his every utterance as the gospel truth even though he consistently slants his information to suit his "lower the admissions and bring on the jucos" crusade.

I applaud the objectivity -- something rarely seen in Stallion's rambling rants -- of your report as well as the obvious time and effort you put into it. Thanks again and keep it up.
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