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bartel didn't make trip

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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby SHAQFU » Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:04 pm

You mine as well be Al Gore with as many times as you have changed this story. Didn't you say that he was busted for curfew, and that he did nothing wrong? Now you are agreeing with this? Aren't you "the best source of infromation, because your buddies with Bartel".
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby SMUFan » Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:25 pm

About the language: pop your head in any lockerroom in the country and you'll hear language that would make Dice Clay blush.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby TNPonyFan » Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:38 pm

Word is he made the trip and then was sent home for team rules violations!
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby ole jim » Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:58 pm

I think it is fair to say that Coach Bennett is building his foundation for his tenure here.

One of his building blocks is discipline.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby ProudPonyPa » Mon Sep 30, 2002 6:20 pm

Eddi P:

Hey, I didn't say it was right or wrong. I was just telling you what happened as far as I understood it. BTW, a person does not have to like foul language to be part of the football team.

I was in the Navy for 20 plus years and I was known for not using that kind of language as a rule. When I did use it, it was a silencer because my subordinates and even my seniors knew I was really ticked off.

I even had a sign in my work area on the submarine: "No Profanity in Nucleonics". One of my workers got mad at me one day and kindly stepped over the door threshold and threw colorful metaphors my way, then stepped back into the lab. We both had a good laugh and he forgot what he was mad about.

I also mentioned that Richard could have been in a bad mood before he saw the sign.

And JAF, if you look at the police reports on that date (9/25) at <A HREF="http://www.smu.edu/pd," TARGET=_blank>www.smu.edu/pd,</A> you will see unless Richard was drunk that night, this was the only other report where disciplinary action was taken. It fit the first story I heard about it, which was through my son.

I did not say anything bad about Richard. I did say "that stinks" about the whole situation. You guys have a bad habit of blasting your info sources. I wasn't insulting anyone, at all. If anything, I think the punishment did not fit the crime - if that was all it was.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby ProudPonyPa » Mon Sep 30, 2002 6:23 pm

P.S. TN: According to the Hawaii Radio station (I listened to the Hawaii webcast of the game through the start of the 3rd quarter), the announcers told the story that Richard had to call his mom "collect" on her cell phone to tell her he wasn't coming. She was already in Hawaii.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby JustAFriend » Mon Sep 30, 2002 6:38 pm

Hey Shaq, I never changed the story, the reason he was busted for curfew was because a security guard wrote him up for being an unescorted trespasser at the dorm, where he was studying for a test he was making up at 6 am so he could go. Did I spell it out for you easily enough? I mean seriously did you follow that or do i need to explain further? I am willing to go at your speed so let me know. And I didnt agree or disagree to anything, he was left behind for a ridiculous reason, and I still believe Bennett needs to swallow his pride and take a chance on doing something that might benefit the team, but right now he is not concerned with the team he is concerned with himself. If the team is terrible this year and he plays a few freshmen next year, and they win some games, it looks like he is the stud recruiter. Makes sense, just a little selfish for my taste...
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby Eddie P » Mon Sep 30, 2002 7:21 pm


I certainly did not intend for my reply to refute yours in anyway. Please forgive. I wasn't trying to argue; I just thought whoever tore down the sign was foolish, which we both agree on, I believe.

Just a Friend-

I haven't responded to any of your diatribes concerning your friend Bartel because you were, for the most part, simply doing what any friend would do. I commend you for this. However, when your support for your friend transitions into insulting good people with ridiculous claims, then your conduct is just plain wrong and does a disservice to your friend. Now, you seem like a reasonably intelligent individual. (You don't appear to be stupid) Let's examine something: you have pointed out on several occasions how your proximity to Bartel and your relationship with him gives you a superior insight into what he's thinking and what he does. I can't argue with that. But it is the height of arrogance for you to make these statements about Coach Bennet. Do you KNOW Bennet? Have you spoken with him more than once. At all? How can you spout these insinuations about a person whom you don't even know personally???
A grown man with a pretty fair legion of fans that speak highly of him from his previous stops and we're supposed to believe some teenage buddy of another teenager's opinion on this man??? You call this person selfish and claim he won't play your buddy because of his pride? Are you ****ing kidding me? Who the hell do you think you are? Do you even go to the practices? How many years have you coached football? Do you think that you are so damn intelligent that only you can see the superstar quality in your buddy, while ALL of these coaches are complete idiots for not starting your little buddy??
Man...I hope you are not Bartel's best buddy because you do him no justice with the way you behave in these little chat rooms you frequent.

[This message has been edited by Eddie P (edited 09-30-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Eddie P (edited 09-30-2002).]
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby Thumper » Mon Sep 30, 2002 7:28 pm

PPP, you preach the gospel.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Keep up the great stuff.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby fbdad » Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:06 pm

Eddie P, I wouldn't come down on JAF so hard. He may know much more than he cares to share on this board. Whether he's coached football or attended practices has nothing to do with his knowledge of whats going on inside the team. I believe somebody else alluded to problems within the team and it contributing to people leaving and playing assignments. We have to continue our support of the team and hopefully this discussion becomes baseless rumour and we get on with beating San Jose.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby JustAFriend » Mon Sep 30, 2002 11:23 pm

Wow, you really got your feathers ruffled by that didnt you? I'd like to point out that I disagree with alot more about Bennett than Richard's situation, although I highly doubt you know the half of it as far as that is concerned. Either way, in my honest opinion you could and should have won both the TCU and Tech games, regardless of the qb situation. If Bennett takes a few chances and puts some faith in his team, you coulda won both games with Tate playing the whole way. And to clear things up, you all probably feel like I wish bad for Tate and that is absolutely not true. I simply think that given the circumstances, giving Richard a shot is not unwarranted. Eddie I'd like you to ask some people what Bennett is like behind closed doors, away from his faithful fans and the media. Let me know if you still think he's a saint because in my book a saint doesnt fit that description. By the way PPP great point about choosing not to use language like that. That's something I personally adhere to as well as Richard and I dont blame him for ripping the sign down. If the freedom is there to post that sign then why isnt the freedom there to protest it? Despite what you probably believe, folks, I have no malicious intent in coming here, but yes I will defend my friend and what you all think about that does not bother me, because you dont know me and probably never will. "Judge not lest ye be judged by my Father in Heaven."
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby SHAQFU » Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:06 am

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR><font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by JustAFriend:
[B]Did I spell it out for you easily enough? I mean seriously did you follow that or do i need to explain further? I am willing to go at your speed so let me know. B]</font><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It appears to me that you think I don't understand what you are saying. I understand all of what you saying. Don't come and attack me, because I was questioning the story. If you look back on this site. I am the one that wanted to put Bartel in after the first couple of games.
JustAFriend, I know Bartel. I know him very well. I may not be of your caliber, but I am a good friend of his. I know that he probably didn't mean any harm by what he did. I was just trying to figure out what your argument was.
Do I think the situation could have been handled differntly, yes. I was simply trying to understand your argument.
I am sorry if you felt you were more intelligent than me and needed to flex your brain on the subject. That is what is great about these handles. Is I have no freaking clue who you are, and you don't know who I am. You see that I am in Washington and think, what does this guy know? And you go rambling on about how you need to slow down for me to understand. Please feel free to continue at your normal speed. I am with you.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby Eddie P » Tue Oct 01, 2002 11:35 am


Well, I'm glad to see I was correct in my assuption that you can respond intelligently. I have spent time with Bennett, so I don't need to "ask" anybody what he's like behind closed doors. I ask again, have you? It's a simple question, JAF. Again, your charges are baseless and ridiculous and I'll leave it that...what is defined as hearsay. You're all over the board with your accusations, JAF. First it's Bennett's selfish desire to hold this team back this year by not playing your buddy, just so he can "look good" next year. Now it's his conduct behind closed doors, whatever that's supposed to mean. Here's a little observation: Don't think you are being moral or taking the high road when you drop insinuations about someone's conduct but then refuse to elaborate on it. You're intentionally attempting to harm that person's reputation regardless. That is the sole problem I have with you, JAF. Period. No, we will never meet and I have no desire to "know" who you are. You're simply another anonymous web-lurker with an axe to grind.

I think, perhaps, if you adhered to the bible verse you so eloquently and partially quoted: "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye shall mete, it shall be measured to you again." (Matthew 7:1-2) at the end of your last post, then you would avoid making statements about other people like this. I never said Bennett was a saint. I have never met one in my lifetime. You are certainly no saint, JAF.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby SMU00 » Tue Oct 01, 2002 11:36 am

Let's all follow fbdad's advice:
"We have to continue our support of the team and hopefully this discussion becomes baseless rumour and we get on with beating San Jose."

This is a dead subject. It's deteriorated into a case of "who knows more?" "who's seen more practices?" "who's got a closer friend on the team?"

WHO CARES? OK, Bartel didn't make the trip. That's over and done with. He's still on the team, and he's practicing with the team. Let it go. If someone challenges what you know, have a good laugh over what they don't know, and move on. We've all made our points. Shouldn't we get back to talking about how the hell we're going to beat San Jose?

Thanks for putting things into the proper perspective, fbdad.
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Re: bartel didn't make trip

Postby JustAFriend » Tue Oct 01, 2002 7:24 pm

Agreed, good point and my apologies for the manner in which I addressed you. I was trying to clarify, but perhaps the way in which I did that was misplaced.


I have to agree that I do not know Bennett, and the things I have against him are things I have not personally experienced or seen, but my reasons for believing them are very sound. I personally am only perplexed about Richard's situation, not upset, or begrudging. Richard has nothing to do with what I think about Bennett, but regardless of what I think of the man, I want to believe that he is a better coach than he's been showing. I was as excited as any of you when I heard he was coming here, and I would like to see him live up to the hype, which I still believe he would be able to do THIS YEAR. He has tools that aren't being utilized and I am not just talking about Richard. Good coaches find a way no matter what they are given to start with. But I am in agreement with you with respect to my feelings about Bennett being put in a public forum. They do not belong there, and I am well aware of the judgement that will be passed on me and I believe I am justified in the way I feel, but again I do not know him personally, so I should not be so quick to judge. Please dont mistake me for a spiteful person because that is not me. Best of luck against SJSU and I hope I'll be there to see it.
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