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Phew! I was going into withdrawal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 1:19 pm
by DallasDiehard
Nice article on the front of the Austin Morning News about the QB recruit, who -- although clearly boasting extraordinary talent -- seems to enjoy dangling himself in front of all these schools, even though he's already committed to UT. Either he's committed or he's not. I wonder if he's re-thought those "I can make the throws Vince Young can't" comments, now that he saw VY win the Rose Bowl (albeit with his legs).

Oh well, I'm sure the OTHER Austin paper (the American Statesman) has a nice front-page feature on Chase Smith and Tim Monroe.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:41 pm
by jtstang
Dude, get over it. There are a whole lot more people in DFW interested in UT football than there will ever be interested in SMU football. Them's the facts, and DMN is in the business of selling papers.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:48 pm
by Water Pony
Thanks for the self-evident. How many alums for each? No brainer.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:52 pm
by Dooby
I'll ask the question I ask everytime someone brings this up with UT and the DMN. Which do you think there are more of in the DFW metroplex: SMU football season ticketholders or UT football season ticketholders? Which gets better TV ratings in DFW, an SMU or a UT game? Until SMU is the answer to either question, you have little reason to complain.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:32 pm
by mustangswillwin
You'd be very pleasantly surprised at the TV ratings for SMU in Dallas. No facts readily available, but we do draw a bigger ratings number than most competition. Allumni numbers or total fans is a different can of worms...but TV is good for SMU.


PostPosted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:57 pm
by jtstang
mustangswillwin wrote:You'd be very pleasantly surprised at the TV ratings for SMU in Dallas. No facts readily available, but we do draw a bigger ratings number than most competition. Allumni numbers or total fans is a different can of worms...but TV is good for SMU.

Can't buy that--not enough TV game to make a valid statistical evaluation, I'd guess. And if you're telling me that we outdraw UT on the tube in Dallas than I have to call BS. Plus if everyone likes to watch us on TV then why don't they show for games that are not on TV?