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Brand Missing in-action but NCAA Could Still Influence by ...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 10:59 am
by Water Pony
Myles Brand has been amazingly silent at this critical time for College Sports. To allow the BCS schools and conferences to define what happens, who benefits, when things change and how things are divided is dangerous to the welfare of all college sports.

However, the NCAA (despite Brand being MIA) could influence events in the long term by including progress in academic studies while demanding minimum standards for admission and eligibility. If private schools are expected to compete on the field with state schools along with the size of their alumni fans and athletic budgets, then comparable standards for academics must be established and enforced. Otherwise we have no chance long term in a war of budgets and lowest common demoninators.

We can lower our academic standards dramatically or increase everyone else's modestly. For our sake, I prefer the latter. The alternative is even worse.

Here's article:

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[This message has been edited by Water Pony (edited 06-30-2003).]