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From a Baylor fan board

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:21 pm
by Dark Horse
Do We Really Want to?

If we can't beat UAB or North Texas (not even stay in the stadium with them), do we really, really want to stay in the Big XII. We may beat SMU and we may beat Sam Houston, but those wil be our only two wins! And, as we all know because of this past Saturday night in Denton, we may not even win those two games, meaning we would have a winless season! Not good! And, of course, this football season is going to be followed by the dreaded basketball season. Are we not just bringing more and more shame upon ourselves? It's something that perhaps we should seriously look at and consider -- with our minds, and not with our emotions. The Big XII may not be for us!


I found that interesting. I always thought Baylor fans somehow thought they were owed a place in the Big 12, and that the turnaround was coming soon. This guy sounds awfully pessimistic.

Re: From a Baylor fan board

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:00 pm
by SoCal_Pony
That’s either one extremely dejected supporter or, more likely, just a TCU troll masquerading as a Baylor fan.

Nobody in their right mind walks away from BCS money.

The good news for Baylor is that next week they have a very winnable game.

Bad news for us is that Baylor will not replicate the turnovers of the NTSU game.

Should make for a very interesting evening.