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Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:22 pm
by Mike Damone
First, Did anybody else think that OSU was kind of rubbbing it in by the time Woods got number 7? I've always been a big believer in "to the winner goes the spoils", but come on, he should've been pulled way before that. Oh well, I guess you can do that kind of stuff when you know the other team probably isn't going to stick to you next year.

Second, and be honest here, did anybody make any money off of OSU? That 24 point spread was a joke.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 1:49 pm
by Hoop Fan
I'm glad Bennett didn't cry about them getting the record. But I will say this. If I'm Bennett, I'm not sure I invite Les Miles and Ok State back to Dallas. There are times you call running plays even if the other team doesn't make you do it. SMU did benefit from the $ of the Ok State fans, but make no mistake that was a recruiting benefit for Ok State in Dallas. I think we can get some other people to come to Dallas, Ok State is not that special. Missouri, KState, Kansas, Iowa and some others come to mind.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:26 pm
by MustangStealth
The TV guys said that Miles told Woods at half time he had 2 possessions to go for the record (he had 5 in the first half), then he was pulling him. Well, we stopped them on possession number 2, and guess who came back onto the field for the rest of the third quarter. And guess what every play call was. That's low class.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 2:29 pm
by Nacho
Scoring in the 50s is not running it up. Going over 60 is running it up. If OSU had wanted they could have scored 80. I wouldn't moan about 50-whatever it was.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:25 pm
by Sam I Am
As defeated, classy coaches used to say in the hey day of the Houston run and shoot, that it was the job of the defense to stop the offesne from running up a high score, not the coach of the winning team. OSU could have made the score much worse. 50 points is not running it up in this day and time. Let's move on.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:42 pm
by Hoop Fan
Its not a big deal, the question is do you renew the series like it was reported that OSU wanted to in the Tulsa paper? I'm not sure I do, thats all. Miles could have beaten us worse, no doubt, but he also could have let off the gas on throwing the ball deep so much. When you are up 31-0 nearing the end of the first half, maybe you work on your running game a little bit and chew up some clock...since they were worried about a comeback, that would keep our offense off the field. Puleeze. Maybe Bennett would do the same thing to an opposing coach given the chance, but I hope not. Say that two years from now we are beating Tulsa 31-0 going to the half as Phillips is going nuts throwing bombs to Ray Pellerin. In that situation, i would hope we would give Massey some touches and pad his stats instead of throwing downfield. Sorry guys, maybe this is a new day in college football, but there are plenty of coaches and programs that would have never thrown deep 30+ points ahead. If they break one from scrimmage fine. Maybe I'm just an old fool, from the old school.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 3:43 pm
by smudad
At to all that, USO lost a lot of valuable rankings ground losing to Nebraska. They need to make that up every chance they get. SMU just happened to offer them a real big chance. Voting writers are like lemmings. They run to high scores when voting. And, I agree, they could have scored 100.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:08 pm
by Nacho
I agree that ideally records should come within the flow of the game. Most coaches are absoloutely paranoid about comebacks. I knew Miles wouldn't back off until they got 50. Almost every coach is the same way. He wasn't being Billy Tubbs would would run it up on his own mother. The 7 TD catches didn't come within the flow of the game, but he did catch them against our first team defense. Not much room to complain.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:10 pm
by woodsnwater
Congrats to Woods. Heck, he only played 5 minutes of the 3rd quarter, he could have caught 12 touchdown passes if he played the whole game.

Kudos to Coach Bennett for not whining.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:16 pm
by Hoop Fan
Again, I don't really care and didn't mind what they did during the game, nobody likes pity. But for the sake of arguement, I have seen lots of coaches call off the dogs when the lead reaches 30-40 points whether that means 35-0 or 55-20, makes no difference. And that does not mean that they yank all first teamers right away or certainly not tell anybody to play less than 100%. What they do is run the ball and do not throw deep. Simple as that. Again, its a big bad world, its just that if OSU wanted to come back to Dallas, and maybe they don't care, maybe they should have allowed Bennett to save face. Miles could see that Bennett was playing with an empty deck, why throw the ball at the end of the first half? If you want your coach to do that, fine.

Re: Two Questions

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 6:22 pm
by Stallion
Look there's no crying in Football! We get smashed because our university doesn't care to compete. Go Division 2 if you don't want to play with big boys. We would beg OSU on our hands and knees to play us again in Dallas even if they beat us 85-0. We are that desperate to find willing opponents to beef up our attendance.