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Arkansas is batting 1000

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:54 am
by mrydel
If anyone cares about repetitive news, another Arkansas football player was arrested for DWI yesterday. I think this pretty well covers the entire team, and most of the equipment squad and probably a few of the cheerleaders. I guess Houston Nutt will take the standard diciplinary action of suspending him during 2-a-days but having him ready for the season. It is, however, a defensive back so the punishment may not be that harsh.

Re: Arkansas is batting 1000

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:57 am
by mrydel
Turns out I was wrong. Houston Nutt has announced that the player will be suspended from spring training instead of 2-a-days. Guess he can brush up on his golf and enjoy the 19th hole.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:16 pm
by ponyte
DUI/DWI is like a boy scout merit badge in Arkansas. Nobody will be concerned. Now if the kid committed a personal foul with less then 2 minutes in a game it would be a near capitol offense.

Nothing will happen. heck fire, a Razorback fullback now has a felony warrant out for his arrest and most in Arkansas wonder why all the fuss?

Nutt has a team that desperatly wants to take over the Dallas Cowboys' position of America's most wanted.