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So Sad!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2001 5:18 pm
by Texastang
I have heard that the coaches have reverted to the barbaric practices of weight lifting. There is nothing wrong with busting butt in the weight room, but you still have to be careful. Apparently they have gone back to a one rep max on squats. That is STUPID! These guys are putting a ton of weight on their backs and that is just dangerous. Unfortunately, we lost a player to injury doing this very lift, and I hope this player is O.K. From what I've heard it not all that great for him right now. Not to mention he plays a position that we do not have that much depth in right now, DL. Well its a good thing we got rid of Jost isn't it. Once again, SMU has proved that they know best. Way to go guys!

[This message has been edited by Texastang (edited 03-07-2001).]