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PostPosted: Wed Jul 12, 2000 2:20 am
by SMUPonyFan
When are the tickets supposed to be released. I know people that have talked to the ticket office and they said, back in June, that they would have seat assigned soon. What is taking so long?

Maybe a record breaking ticket sales year?? I hope that is the problem!

Also, I saw one picture on that showed some grass being laid. YES!!!!!!
Is this field that new type of turf, I think it is called artificial grass, that has a layer of astroturf on top of the grass, and the grass grows through??????????

Go Red, Go Blue, Go Mustangs, S M U

Re: Tickets

PostPosted: Thu Jul 13, 2000 12:39 am
by ChrisFowler
That's the stuff. They finished laying the sod Wednesday morning; now all they have to do is let it settle and mow it, and it'll feel like a putting green.