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Off to the Desert

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 11:17 am
by Guest
This is my final post as a local Mustang. I am off to my new home out west and I have to say I am going to miss Big D worse than I thought. I'm going to miss the Blvd. before the games even though it is not out of control, the few people who were and are there are truly fans and fun to get to know. Good luck to the Mustangs this year. It is about time SMU football comes out of the cellar and start establishing a name for the program. It is definetly going to be tough this year but what a better time to get on track and hopefully I can make it to one game this season. But most importantly, to the three has beens that post on this site and you know who you are, I love you like brothers and I'm going to miss you very bad. Its been a really fun 5 and 6 years and maybe I'll be back with you fatties before too long. Take care and I'll see you around.


Re: Off to the Desert

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2001 11:29 am
by ponytalk
Good luck in Arizona stanglover. Keep in touch with the ponies through! Even though you will be a great distance away, your insight and knowledge is still needed.

Good Luck!