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TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:35 am
by Insane_Pony_Posse
Dallas Morning News today:
TCU already crying to Congress and NCAA!
Sonny probably freaking out we are signing some playas!
We'll see Baylor, Tech, and others soon join the crybaby chorus.


Click to read entire article: ... ge-sports/

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:19 am
by PonyKris89
Oh I am a victim, there so many victims!.. blah blah…. and “but where is my large NIL deal? And coach is treating me badly”… blah, blah, blah… These politicians, lawyers and lobbyists make me sick. They are truly pathetic.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:44 am
by Topper
What about the kids, alums, donors etc that bought into Sonny's vision only to have him court TCU during midseason? This guy is now one of my all time least favorite human beings. Not because he is ambitious, but because he is the one of the worst hypocrites in football. I remember him lying to the press about his talks with TCU during his last few games here by saying that the SMU players were all behind him and "had his back." What a jerk.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:46 am
by mtrout
poor sonny. maybe he can get an NIL deal with sota weight loss

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:09 pm
by EastStang
You know UT, Arkansas and the Aggies will scream like a stuck pig if this NIL thing doesn't help them.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:03 pm
by Insane_Pony_Posse
Haters: TCU/BAYLOR/Etc...
"dang we tried to stop SMU from getting into a real conference"
"we blocked them from the Big 12"
"Next when it looked like SMU might get in PAC, we collapsed the PAC"
"Darn it... now SMU got in the ACC,
and we know the ACC + NIL means an SMU rebirth"
"Thats the last thing we need"...
So lets go cry to Congress about how the NIL is unfair"
"lets pretend we really care and are doing it for the NIL "victims"
We've tried everything to keep SMU from a rebirth...we gotta do something quick!"

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:45 pm
by PonyKris89
Insane_Pony_Posse wrote:Haters: TCU/BAYLOR/Etc...
"dang we tried to stop SMU from getting into a real conference"
"we blocked them from the Big 12"
"Next when it looked like SMU might get in PAC, we collapsed the PAC"
"Darn it... now SMU got in the ACC,
and we know the ACC + NIL means an SMU rebirth"
"Thats the last thing we need"...
So lets go cry to Congress about how the NIL is unfair"
"lets pretend we really care and are doing it for the NIL "victims"
We've tried everything to keep SMU from a rebirth...we gotta do something quick!"

well said Insane man! I am going to finish the article now, I only got through 1/2 the article before I had to rant

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:52 pm
by HubbaHubba
Insane_Pony_Posse wrote:Haters: TCU/BAYLOR/Etc...
"dang we tried to stop SMU from getting into a real conference"
"we blocked them from the Big 12"
"Next when it looked like SMU might get in PAC, we collapsed the PAC"
"Darn it... now SMU got in the ACC,
and we know the ACC + NIL means an SMU rebirth"
"Thats the last thing we need"...
So lets go cry to Congress about how the NIL is unfair"
"lets pretend we really care and are doing it for the NIL "victims"
We've tried everything to keep SMU from a rebirth...we gotta do something quick!"

User name does NOT check out.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:35 pm
Insane_Pony_Posse wrote:Haters: TCU/BAYLOR/Etc...
"dang we tried to stop SMU from getting into a real conference"
"we blocked them from the Big 12"
"Next when it looked like SMU might get in PAC, we collapsed the PAC"
"Darn it... now SMU got in the ACC,
and we know the ACC + NIL means an SMU rebirth"
"Thats the last thing we need"...
So lets go cry to Congress about how the NIL is unfair"
"lets pretend we really care and are doing it for the NIL "victims"
We've tried everything to keep SMU from a rebirth...we gotta do something quick!"

True story in short form.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:53 pm
by Charleston Pony
It's so hypocritical of coaches and AD's to be so concerned about NIL ruining the sport. I don't recall anyone complaining about the arms race to overpay coaches who might elevate their programs. Didn't TCU just recently offer Sonny a significant pay raise to leave a rival school (a rival that was suddenly beating them on the football field)? Didn't Sonny in his very 1st year take TCU possibly as far as they will ever go again? God forbid the student athletes should be rewarded for their talents and the money they make for their schools!

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:31 pm
by HubbaHubba

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:47 pm
by SMULaxer
I don’t necessarily disagree that NIL deals need some oversight or standardization in format so unsuspecting 18 year olds don’t get taken advantage of. But, certainly the amount deals are worth shouldn’t be regulated. Free market.

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:47 pm
by Statler
Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

So Congress passes Federal legislation regulating NIL. Just think this will be placed in the Dept of Education- does Saben,tcuseless, bu, tech and company want the Dept of Education in their athletic departments?

Or, if Ted Cruz gets his way, do we want the NCAA, the third most corrupt organization behind FIFA and the IOC running the law,

Just saying?

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:49 pm
by ponyte
If Congress gets involved with NIH, I hope they do the same for NFL, NBA, MLB and others. Why does Congress have the right to impose limits on a college kid but not on other professions? Not a lawyer but it was the Supreme Court that allowed this. Will the Court allow a carve out for college kids but leave other professionals alone?

Re: TCU already worried they cant keep up

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:18 am
by EastStang
Any law passed by Congress is probably going to screw things up worse than they already are. They may rule that NIL money has to be paid equitably between men, women, and transpeople. How do you equalize a $1M payment to a QB or a men's point guard and a volleyball player or a women's point guard? Ultimately, this will end up punishing the athlete in the name of equity. Congress cannot resist toying with any statute. Add in special interest loopholes which will benefit for example state institutions by giving them over to state run agencies or some such nonsense, and private schools will be the ones to suffer.