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Luker's showing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2001 3:20 am
by Dement-ed
I thought Kelan played well. A lot of people were ready to give up on him after the TCU game, but he showed a lot of heart tonight. Made some tough throws. The touchdown to Hampton took a lot of touch on Luker's part, and his touchdown to Cunningham was amazing - a laser of a pass that was thrown to a spot where only Comet could get it. And that's even more incredible when you consider that Comet is a good 4-5 inches shorter than both of the defenders on that play. That throw was absolutely perfect. We sometimes look at his high school numbers and think he should be all-world right away, but remember, he's pretty new to the college game, in terms of game experience. He is a smart player and will only get better. Give him time to accumulate some experience, and he'll do a hell of a job for us.

Maybe the best part was the number of times I saw David Page meet Luker on his way off the field, either patting him on the back for a good play, lifting him up if something went wrong, or talking to him on the sideline, presumably about what was going to be called next. David Page is a class act, and the consumate team player.

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2001 6:48 pm
by MustangMom
My thoughts exactly. Way to go Luker and way to go Page!

Go Mustangs!!

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 1:22 pm
by Pony Up
Did y'all really think Luker was that great? Sure, he looked better than he did against TCU, but the whole offense looked bad against the little froggies. He looked OK, but far from great. His touchdown passes were sensational, but he had a lot of other throws that were average, at best.

With that said, the improvement was immense - keep it up.

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 3:02 pm
by BUS
The part about Comets touchdown that I liked was and id his ability to separate at the last second and allowing him the only chance to catch the ball. Comet rides the defender on his back, keeping him away from the ball and them strides out right before the ball arrives. Great pass by Luker but part of receiving that is hard to coach. Fly Comet Fly.

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 3:45 pm
by No Cal Pony
I agree with most folks that Luker is no great qb, but the kid is trying. I appreciate that very much. I know Cavan was a qb, but it seems no one at SMU can coach qbs. Given that, plus an o-line that is not the biggest or fastest, Luker seems to be doing the best he can. I was at the tcu game, and I saw the frustration wearing on the kids. The team seems like some good kids, but they have a big burden. I can only hope that the administration and faculty can see this too. Please take off the handcuffs. Back the program. I don't see Cavan as the answer, but don't shackle the next coach. Give him some money, and room to operate. The kids on the field, the students, and alumni deserve better. Any I agree with BUS, Comet does a heck of a job. Reminds me a little of Bobby Leach.

Go Ponies!

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2001 11:49 pm
by Joyous
Put Comet on one side and Cody on the other. Touchdowns all night. And put JFree back in his position. That atleast 3 touchdowns all night. Then when you add Ford, Hampton, Briggs and K what can I say. I think we are on the right track. Keep up the good work guys. Thanks BUS!!!

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 1:19 pm
by BUS
Your welcome Joyous, but, the above are observations of talent not hot air. Comet has that certain skill to get just enough room to catch the ball.

Play football - means to PLAY at football. give the team a good fun play to run every down. Stop kneeling doen before halftime.

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2001 7:47 pm
by click
Comet is just fun to watch,whether if its him laying out to catch a pass or getting that last second separation that BUS was talking about.Give me guys that play 100% and they will win some games.It was a good game Sat.,with that effort we wiil win .

Go Mustangs!

Re: Luker's showing

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2001 12:16 am
by MustangMom
The Comet was a streak of SMU blue, red and white and his TD catch had me up and screaming so loud that I actually got light headed!! What a game the Comet had last Saturday. Finally, finally they are calling some long passes his way, so he can use his talent and speed.

Congratulations Comet - know you and Mr. C are proud Joyous.

Go Mustangs!!