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Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2000 6:47 pm
by Recruiting Guru
The Dallas Jesuit DT would be a major reach. He has decent size (6-2, 260) and is a tough guy with a brawler streak in him, but his technique and instinct are limited. Minimal prospect. He will go to war for his team, but is not worth a scholarship. And from what I understand, he's probably as big as he'll ever get.

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2000 7:03 pm
by Houston Pony
Good job. I've spoken with people at Jesuit, and they agree that he's a walkon at SMU, at best.

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2000 12:44 am
by Guest
We tend to much too much emphasis in the projected prospect of an athlete by what people think of his talent. I've always hated this. I tell you what, right now I would take 22 guys with a brawler streak and who are willing to go to war for their team before I would take 22 of the best athletes in the world. You know why, because these guys have something to prove and they are the ones who WANT to play football. So to hell with this not being a very good prospect. Sign him up, at least he will fight and give effort which is a lot more than many of the current "athletes" on the team right now. I have two words for you true mustang faithful--Craig Swann. Enough said.

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2000 4:04 pm
by MustangMan
Damn, stanglover -- How do you really feel? But I agree with you 100%. I'd love to have a team full of undersized but strong, mean, tough SOB's. If we can get one player like the great Craig Swann every year, the future looks mighty bright for our Ponies.

[This message has been edited by MustangMan (edited 12-30-2000).]

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2000 2:37 pm
by Guest
I hope ya'll don't think I was mad or anything. RecruitingGuru always has great information, I was just expressing my opinion about the end all be all usually put on one's athletic ability. My frustration was in no way directed toward the Guru. We are all pulling for the same cause here and I take Guru's info with trust. Also, I am by any means saying this kid would be the next Swann because it is unlikely but you never know sometimes. Keep feeding the info Guru.

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2000 5:33 pm
by Recruiting Guru
Stanglover -- no problem, I didn't take any offense. When you make your living giving your opinions about people (or their sons, brothers, etc.), you get a lot of people upset with you. I have pretty thick skin, so if I say something you disagree with, let me know. If you think I'm a complete idiot because of something I say, let me know. The worst that can happen is I'll fight back and defend my opinion. But the difference between you and me is that I graduated from SMU and I'm a loyal fan, but didn't you say you played for the Ponies? I have contacts to get a lot of information, but I readily admit there's a lot you know that I don't, as far as what it takes to be a player, what the team really goes through, etc.

I'll keep feeding everything I hear, and you keep firing back. Take shots at me when they're deserved -- you may even get me to admit I'm wrong. (I'm pretty stubborn, though .... you'll really have to convince me.)

One more thing: I throw my information on this site because I think this site is the best SMU information source anywhere. So let's make a deal, stanglover. You feel free to fire away at anything I write (although like I said, I may fire back), and in exchange, get all of your friends and old teammates to sign up and log on to this site. Deal?

Re: Matt O'Shea

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2000 7:06 pm
by Guest
Sounds like a deal to me Guru. However, I want it to be known that I was not taking a shot at you, I was just voicing my opinion and none of it was meant to sound like I was taking shots. I enjoy reading your recruiting thoughts, they are actually very helpful. I agree I know some things that you would not know but it works the same way from your side as well. Say whatever you want to say thick skin or not.