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With 18 to 20 ships to give out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 12:37 pm
by BUS
the rest of them need to go to BIG MEN. By my count (could be wrong) we show 10 or 11 men wanting to play for Cavan and SMU. two are large bodies on a team with only 8 guys ovger 280.
With that said the rest of our ships need to go to 3 JC o-line and that brings us to 14. Then get 3 280+ d-line and 3 more 280+ o-line guys.

Cavan and Posse - BRING IN A HERD OF BIG MEN

Re: With 18 to 20 ships to give out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 2:52 pm
by PonyExpress
I agree with you, BUS, but from what I hear (it was posted somewhere on, Cavan is only planning to grab 3 or 4 OLs and 5 DLs. We'd all like to see more beef, but the coaches seem obsessed with speed.

Re: With 18 to 20 ships to give out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 5:53 pm
by BUS
at the least 9 more big men. What I remember is that they all do not pan out. SMU needs to beef up to let the little fast guys have a chance.

Re: With 18 to 20 ships to give out

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2001 7:36 pm
by PonyExpress
BUS, my friend, you're preaching to the choir -- with athletes like Cunningham, Freeman, Briggs, etc., out there, I'd be happy to see a recruiting class that is ENTIRELY made up of linemen. But I'm afraid the coaches don't see it that way. They're hoping for quality over quantity.

Re: With 18 to 20 ships to give out

PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2001 1:42 am
by kangaroo
I understand this is our last big weekend and we will pretty well finish our class if things fall the way the coaches hope. Apparently there is not much chance of getting any JUCO help - may be mostly the coach's choice. Only 18 total will probably be given. Mostly linemen will get ships out of this last group. I think there will be a few earlier committments who are making their official visit.