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Training Table Issue

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Training Table Issue

Postby Webmaster » Sat Dec 09, 2000 1:47 am

Peruna Punch made a post earlier that we should lead a charge to bring a training table to SMU Athletics. There has been a lot of talk recently and in the past about this matter.
PonyFans.com wants to know if there are any PonyFans or SMU fans that are truly serious about bringing a training table to SMU. We think the money would have to be raised and a lot of work will have to be done to bring one to SMU. If there is a lot of response and willingness to help bring a training table to SMU, PonyFans.com will do a little research and talk to certain people to find out where the University stands on this issue and what it would take to get a training table.

Once again, if we get a good response we will see what we can do to lead a charge. You may either post your opinion under this topic or email us at webmaster@ponyfans.com. We want to hear from you if you are a member of PonyFans or not.

For those of you who do not know what a training table is or its purpose here is what we know:
A training table is a meal plan for athletics. It is separate from the normal cafeteria and here is its advantages to athletes:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Staff would be able to watch players diets and food would be more nutritious than current food.<LI>Team would be able to eat together three times a day<LI>Athletes would not have to spend their own money on food, this helps financially and nutritiously<LI>If a player is gaining or loosing weight, the coaches could monitor and control what they eat<LI>Helps in scheduling conflicts, teams would not have to schedule practices around cafeteria's serving times<LI>Helps in recruiting
There are probably more advantages to this, but these are what have been posted and the more obvious ones. We believe most D-I programs have a training table, but we don't have any stats on that. Any other info would help!

We hope to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to voice your opinion; if you don't want to post, please email us.

Webmasters, PonyFans.com

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[This message has been edited by Webmaster (edited 12-08-2000).]
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Re: Training Table Issue

Postby smuhog » Sat Dec 09, 2000 3:40 am

Excellent Idea. I did not know that we dd not have this. Check this web site out from my other favorite team. <A HREF="http://www.coachhoustonnutt.com/facilities.asp" TARGET=_blank>www.coachhoustonnutt.com/facilities.asp</A>

SMU is far behind many other teams in the country and need some serious help. Cavan is not bringing us that help.
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