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Long year

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Long year

Postby OldPony » Mon Jan 06, 2003 1:57 pm

I see nothing to be encouraged about with this team. We have no offensive scheme. If your point guard has more TOs than assists, there is something wrong. The biggest problem though is defense. We don't challenge anything on the perimeter and even HSs will make you pay if you leave the shooters alone. There is a reason everyone shoots 3s well against us. We play a sagging denfense to protect our big men. I have a radical idea. Let the big men play on their own. Even with our sagging defense, the opponents big men score as well as they do against others anyway. If the ball is passed low, THEN collapse on it. Deny passes around the perimeter and try to keep the outside guys from being able to make easy passes inside or shoot uncontested 3s. Keep your man from getting the ball! Challenge passing lanes!! Guard the damn perimeter!!! This isn't rocket science. Coach- Where are you?
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Joined: Mon Jan 06, 2003 4:01 am

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