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Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:44 am
by OldPony
I threw Bosh's name out there sarcastically. It was Tubbs who got BHop but Dement who lost Bosh!! Get it?
The following discussion though was interesting. It gave all the reasons that Dement must overcome to get top area recruits but yet he is criticized for not getting them on a consistent basis. We didn't address the solely SMU hurdles also thrown in front of him.
There is no a single player from SMU on a NBA team. Is that Dement? I don't think so. I think he has done an outstanding job of recruiting with what he has to sell. That doesn't mean that he has Top 25 material. He doesn't. He got close once but unfortunately you can't keep players for more than 4 years. This may be the best team that he has had from a talent and experience viewpoint although next year will be better. There are many out there who criticize Dement because he hasn't gotten to the tourney, he hasn't upset a nmae program etc. but overlook what he is fighting against. Old facilities, no tradition, no support, higher than peers academic pressure, no jock majors etc. Man- I'll bet they'll line up for this job when you guys finally get him fired.

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:01 pm
by Waz
There are a lot of reasons that Tubbs left SMU, with Dement's attitudes about control and being 'the man' a couple of them. Ok offers a ton more from an advancement standpoint, not to mention cash and perks, and Tubb's best shot at a head job is back here when Dement finally leaves. He would not have gotten the same look had he stayed until Dement had to leave.

With Dement's personality, developing any long term realtionships with HS coaches, North, South, East or West isn't going to happen. Watch as the relationships with area coaches evaporate over a short period of time.

Finally, oh Ancient Pony, don't continually confuse not liking someone, ie Dement, with calling it as it is. He may be a great Dad, a fine golfer, cutting edge on the computer, a GQ dresser, as hard a worker bee as you would ever want to see, but as a hoop coach there are some glaring weaknesses that he can't overcome and because of that, we will be mediocre at best until he is gone.

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:48 pm
by Stallion
I think his best argument after the mess we've seen in the Football program over the last 14 years is-You Can Do A lot Worse Than Mediocre!

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:02 pm
by OldPony
Waz- You act as if you are an insider to the Dement-Tubbs relationship. Can you describe how you know? If Dement (SMU) could have offerred Tubbs the same money,same potential for advancement, same perks would he have stayed? Did he just want to get away from Dement? If so, why did he stay so long? What is wrong with Dement's personality that he will be burning bridges with the HS coaches? If he is such a hard guy to like, why would Tubbs been able to make a difference here in recruiting if Tubbs didn't like him either and again, why did he stay so long? Didn't Kevin S. think Tubb's had wasted a lot of years learning nothing form Dement and Shu? If so,why did he want him? If purely for recruititng, then why would he expand his coaching duties? A lot of the logic on this board escapes me. I still bet that Dement recommended Tubbs for the job but hated to see him go. I'll also bet the reason that Tubbs stayed as long as he did was that he had a pretty good relationship with Dement. He could have left for lesser jobs but evidently didn't think SMU was intolerable so he waited until a plum came along. As Stallion said, he got more than we could offer and mediocre looks pretty good at SMU right now.

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:30 pm
by Waz
SMU could never offer the same opportunities to Tubbs that OU could, so it would be conjecture and therefore a moot point to discuss. Tubbs would have been nuts not to take the opportunity for the points made in my earlier post and more. Dement doesn't have any interpersonal skills, which is why we tend to fade down the stretch and not have much senior leadership (Q with standing). By the time our guys are seniors, they have pretty much had enough. Dement isn't going to burn bridges, he doesn't have any. Those bridges were constructed by Tubbs and took many years to build. They were travelled by Dement and the maintenance man has left town. Watch and see what happens. Would Dement recommend Tubbs to Sampson you wonder? Absolutely, and one reason you may find ridiculous, is because Tubbs was getting too much of the credit for the recruiting success. I can hear your fingers start to rattle the keyboard, but don't doubt it for a minute.

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:19 am
by OldPony
I beleive one of those giving credit to Tubbs the loudest for recruiting was Dement. Dement gave Tubbs a lot of exposure including doing the half time radio interviews etc. You'll never find Roy Williams giving anyone else a little credit nor sharing the limelight. To say that Dement's "interpersonal skills" are responsible for the fade down the stretch is one of the most far fetched ludicrous statement yet made on this board. Don't you think that it might have had something to do with bench strength? It amazes me that his personality is so warped that the players will follow him for the first games but not later on. Yes- Look at all those seniors who have quit. Oh- wait there haven't been any.
I asked how you came by this incredible inside information but I guess that it';s too secret to divulge to us outsiders.

Re: I don't understand why.....

PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:59 pm
by EastStang
One last point. There are tons of great basketball players OUTSIDE of Dallas. To be a national program you have to land the best names you can from wherever you can. The ACC, BE teams can have whomever they set their sights on unless that player wants to be in Dallas. If we can land a Dallas kid, great. If we can land an L.A. kid, that's fine too. Personally, I'd like to get three mean and onery big men who can make a layup and rebound and a guard who can hit a three. You have that, you win games. If you don't, it gets funky.