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Elsey on Dement

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2002 7:02 pm
by DiamondM
This quote (not sure of source) was posted on the other board:

"Those things have combined to making playing at Baylor fun, something he wasn't having at SMU despite being one of the Ponies' best players. His sophomore year in the Park Cities, Elsey started all 30 games and averaged almost 14 points a game, second on the team. But he didn't get along with coach Mike Dement. 'He's kind of a Bobby Knight kind of coach, and that doesn't work for me' and what once was a game had become a job."

I really like Mike, and think he has improved our program. I don't really know if Dement is anything like Bobby Knight (I hope not too much because I disapprove of some of Knight's methods). But, honestly, if I had one complaint about Dement is that he has not enforced discipline enough, whether through lack of effort or just the obstinancy of some of the kids on the team. The luxury that Knight had at IU that Dement doesn't is that it wasn't so crucial if Knight ran off a kid because of his methods, he could always recruit someone else to IU. Dement either has to go easy on players like Sass or risk departure from the team. Personally, I think Dement has to do a better job of calling their bluff. I.e., sit em if they don't buy into the program, the system, see if they are really serious about packing it in when they don't get away with lack of discipline on the court (or off the court if we ever get into any problems with that). But he can only do that if the fans support him when discipline comes at the risk of losing some games because an important player is learning a lesson riding the pine. (Just to clarify, it is this type of "consequences" discipline that I support, not physical or emotional abuse of players). Dement also has to make sure to render discipline and, yes, criticism even-handedly so star players like Sass are allowed to have free reign while the Elsey's of the world (important, heady role players) do not bolt because they feel the heat on them more often -- not that this is what happened here.

Re: Elsey on Dement

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 11:57 am
by Mickey
I will take Knight and his W-L record, graduation rate, citizenship of his players, and his fund raising ability anytime.

Hiring Bob Knight was the best thing that has happened to TT. I hope they continue to schedule SMU and return to Moody someday. That was a great night.

I would love to have seen Knight coach Sasser who became bigger than the program. Ain't gonna happen under Knight!

[This message has been edited by Mickey (edited 01-05-2002).]