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Rehash of A Ponyfans Feature

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 5:12 pm
by Red Horse
Sorry if you've already read this article
that wAs on earlier - but it
is a very nice review of the 03/04
basketball team. It also gives a good view of the new recruits. It would appear that the new players will add something to the mix to improve the team. The only question is how long will they need to feel comfortable. The early games in Canada which allows us 10 days of practice before many other teams will definitely benefit this team and is a smart move by Coach Dement.

I am still a Mustang FootbAll fan and will be at every home game and my go to the Tulsa and La.Tech games. If we can beat Nevada this week, we may do better than expected in the Conference race. Ever the optimist.

Re: Rehash of A Ponyfans Feature

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:51 pm
by Jim Rome
I'm confused. Where's the article you're refering to?