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Comments on Wake Game

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Comments on Wake Game

Postby Red Horse » Tue Dec 16, 2003 10:50 am

I agree with much of what has been said in other threads but a few observations:

1) Great improvement by Brian Miller - he can help us in WAC and should get even better on 3's with increased confidence.

2) Castro continues to grow stronger in close and was a force that kept us close in this game.

3) B-Hop is a major disappoitment. He has to play under control and gives us better ball distribution. We need him and I pray he will get better. Wake's point guard clearly won the battle last night.

4) Lowe should not be down-graded. He may not have scored big last night, but he may be the glue that holds this team together. He does many little things that don't show up in the box score
like defense, intensity, and good decisions. In addition, he tied for lead in rebounds with 6; had 4 assists and 3 steals - all while playing 4-10 fewer minutes than the other starters.

5) Isham continues to improve and is the best athlete on the team. He will be a force before it is over.

6) Simpson is underachieving. He needs more intensity and a little meanness wouldn't hurt.
He was very timid in the first half. He did play
harder and was more effective in the 2nd half.

7) Dement still did not vary his zone defenses very much. Would be nice to see man pressure;
then a change to switching man; and then 2-3 zone.
He made some bad presonnel moves at the end of the game especially in having Miller out of the game when he needed 3 point shooting. He might have also used Bennett who can hit 3's.

8) Lastly - Please take care of the ball. Make good passes - Big men - don't try to dribble like
point guards - set better picks. Fundamentals were terrible and we still stayed close - perhaps a credit to our athleticism. Need better free throw shooting - especially on the front end of the one and ones. ACC officials were erratic also but on the whole better than the Big 12 officials we have been seeing.
Red Horse
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2003 4:01 am
Location: Dallas, Tx

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