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Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:18 am
by SMU_Alum11
Tulsa seems to be the first legit officer wrongly killing someone. Charolette is a joke and the domestic terrorists aka protestors are doing what they do best: pillage and ratings. Ferguson was the start but it was a farse along with other succeeding events. However, I hope and pray that rational people (opposite of protestors in charolette) will follow civility and believe in " innocent till proven guilty".

I'm thankful SMU (excluding the drama queen band members) paid respect to our first responders. Honestly, I'm starting to think that there are more people applying to be garbage men than officers. That to me is one of the worst items are country is facing.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:53 am
by Puckhead48E
It's college. If there's anywhere to do this, it's college. In the hierarchy of important things, Maslow didn't even rank this. Is you're so offended, try starting with the idiots sitting or talking or doing other things for no reason other than they're being fat, lazy and petulant.

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Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:56 am
by Charleston Pony
all I know is that I would not want to be a cop in this day and age. A lot of pressure in that job and it seems they just can't do anything right. My fear is that we will see more of what happened in Baltimore when after the Freddie Gray incident, the police seemed reluctant to respond quickly in some neighborhoods and the murder rates escalated dramatically.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:28 am
by RGV Pony
Right, otherwise all these SJWs would mobilize and head to Chicago instead of stomping on the graves of the Dallas officers we were honoring last night who died protecting their rights to protest.

"not saying all Caucasians are bad.. " [a comment that I find racist and divisive btw] then stand your [deleted] up during the anthem being played while a UPFD raises a flag in memory of those who I'm going out on a limb and saying you don't think are bad.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:41 am
by ojaipony
I'm glad our band did this. I'm all for it. I find it to be a powerful message to be actually playing the national anthem while kneeling. I haven't seen that before. Good for them. Damn shame our ball team, especially our offense, didn't show up. It would have gotten more pub if we had upset them. Also, I'm guessing x jones is out for the year? (Or holding him for AAC play). Pathetic showing on national tv. Unis looked slick tho imho.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:22 am
by SMUstang07
Students are free to do what they want. The band members shouldn't be making a statement like that while officially representing the school. There should be some sort of punishment for those individuals.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:28 am
by vielsiehorsepower
SMUstang07 wrote:Students are free to do what they want. The band members shouldn't be making a statement like that while officially representing the school. There should be some sort of punishment for those individuals.

You can't punish them. That's racistttttttt

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:55 am
by malonish
TidePony wrote:Who gives a sh*t about our band? I'm a h*ll a lot more concerned about our O-line, QB situation, Special teams nightmare, refs from hades (they held all f-ing night), getting out coached, and hoping our defense can make it standing up 4 quarters. Yes, I'm frustrated.

We are discussing the most noteworthy performance of the night.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:56 am
by Lebanese4Life
ojaipony wrote:I'm glad our band did this. I'm all for it. I find it to be a powerful message to be actually playing the national anthem while kneeling. I haven't seen that before. Good for them. Damn shame our ball team, especially our offense, didn't show up. It would have gotten more pub if we had upset them. Also, I'm guessing x jones is out for the year? (Or holding him for AAC play). Pathetic showing on national tv. Unis looked slick tho imho.

seems contradictory to be kneeling and playing the anthem.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:57 am
by RGV Pony
Was chief brown kneeling?

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:00 am
by vielsiehorsepower
Puckhead48E wrote:It's college. If there's anywhere to do this, it's college. In the hierarchy of important things, Maslow didn't even rank this. Is you're so offended, try starting with the idiots sitting or talking or doing other things for no reason other than they're being fat, lazy and petulant.

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It's not just college. It's charlotte, dallas, aND apparently any other community where any african American is killed for any reason by police. The cancer has SPREAD. It's not just isolated to college. These isn't some college bisexuality phase or a kids will be kids thing. Staying up all night one night partying and the next night studying is something you do in college, not perpetuation of lies about Caucasians. And the statement I'm not saying all cops were all white people are bad is implicitly stating that you think most or a significant percentage are. That's like saying "well there are some black people who aren't criminals. What? Im not saying ALL of them are!

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:10 am
by soccermom
We are free to do as we please, thanks to brave men & women, of all colors, who fought & sacrificied, to make our country free. THEY are why you stand to show respect. I care about those band members b/c they were on the field, dressed in our uniforms, showing absolutely no respect for anything. Wonder if the actions of those 5 will help or hurt w/the band getting donations? It was absolutely wrong and I am embarrassed by this pathetic behavior.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:18 am
by vielsiehorsepower
soccermom wrote:We are free to do as we please, thanks to brave men & women, of all colors, who fought & sacrificied, to make our country free. THEY are why you stand to show respect. I care about those band members b/c they were on the field, dressed in our uniforms, showing absolutely no respect for anything. Wonder if the actions of those 5 will help or hurt w/the band getting donations? It was absolutely wrong and I am embarrassed by this pathetic behavior.

Absolutely. Standing for the national anthem is also standing for black soldiers who have given their lives in every war this nation has fought. The bigger picture consistently fails to be seen. Race is only the surface level observation and many people are content to not let their intuitions about the situation wander much further than that

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:39 am
by mrydel
The problem I see is it just a show now. Who is going to make the announcement that all is fine and people can again stand? Setting aside the difference in in philosophy, it reminds me of the ice bucket challenge where celebrities helped a cause and the next thing you know 5 year olds were dumping ice water on their little sister for no reason other than to post it on Facebook. Point had been made. It is time to start honoring our nation and in the case of last night our first responders.

Re: Some band, students kneel during national anthem

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 11:48 am
by Lebanese4Life
what i'm confused about is what exactly is being protested? they say systematic black oppression and racism. granted I've never lived in the ghetto, but please point it out to me and tell me what policy is oppressing them. yes, black people are relatively poor due to the circumstances they came to the country under, but the system is NOT set up for them to fail. they have access to public education and other welfare programs. utilize them. valuing education is how one rises up in society. quit joining gangs and go to school. do well in school and you earn yourself a scholarship. oh yeah, and there's this neat program called affirmative action.