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Visited the new Dedman Fitness Center

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:41 pm
by friarwolf
I strolled through the new Fitness Center this morning. Very, very nice.

But.........(I really hate doing this),

With a big fat fastball right down the middle of the plate and the bases loaded, we hit a nice solid single right back up the middle instead of the grand slam that was there for the taking.

Don't get me wrong, it is sweet but we had an opportunity to make the center a focal point. The top floor has the feel of being an attic with windows. If they had raised the roof line another 8 to 10 feet, it would have made a huge difference. Because of this, we made the windows too small and low. If you are 5'10' or taller, you have to bend to enjoy the view. They also put some kind of metal mesh that really impeads the view. The southern end of the building could have awesome. The original plans I saw had this area set up to be where the aerobic machines would be. Talk about spectacular - looking out at the downtown skyline. As it is, there is nothing but a couple of old pieces of equipment and some kick boxing stuff. A big missed opportunity I think. The jogging track is small and narrow, too.

As it is configured, you have the aerobic equipment filling half of a room and the weight equipment in the other half. If kind of feels like a fitness center that has outgrown it's space. If they had spit the two, I think it would have been better.

Anyway, as I said. It is very, very nice and a much welcome addition. I just think it could have been made into a "wow" facility and instead, you come out thinking "nice".

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:49 pm
by Spaz
The best stop on the tour is where they take you to the dust filled storage facility and say "Welcome to the New Band Hall"

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:26 pm
by Water Pony
The new Dedman Center is a source of frustration for me. They included a lap pool for student.s Not a bad idea, but the school missed a wonderful opportunity to combine the needs of the students with the student-athletes. An underutilized rec pool has the effect of pre-empting a more effective approach, a new aquatic center/natatorium.

The Men's and Women's Swimming & Diving lacks a competitive facility to train and compete in, as well as recruit national caliber swimmers and divers to our traditionally strong programs.

Most universities, including U. of Louisville recently, invest in a proper facilities by combining the competitive and recreational needs for the students in one, more appropriate pool and diving complex. At U. of L. the students voted and agreed to the approach with increased fees.

By going forward on the rec pool, it deferred the ability to include the needs of the teams. These needs are complimentary, not competitive. Very short sighted.

I started a mailing campaign before ground was broken, but only Dr. Turner responded with a polite but unresponsive letter. Didn't appear who drafted the response actually understood the proposal.

So, we will try again, but the rec pool decision raises the ultimate costs and defers the possibility to serve the teams.
