SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingModerators: PonyPride, SmooPower
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SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingSMU’s Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development Breaks into Top 50 of Best Graduate Schools in the United States
DALLAS (SMU) ̶ In six short years the SMU Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development has risen to the rank of 49 in the U.S. News & World Report national rankings. The annual report which ranks 272 participating public and private graduate schools of education around the country was released online on April 25. The latest ranking represents a significant leap from 105 in 2019 and from 54 in last year’s report. It moves Simmons one spot higher among the top private graduate schools in the U.S. to number 11, up from 12 in the previous year’s report. In the state, Simmons maintains the number one spot among private universities and is third among all colleges in Texas. Only University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M at College Station, both public universities, have a ranking higher than Simmons. The school’s rankings have steadily climbed under the leadership of Leon Simmons Endowed Dean Stephanie L. Knight who joined SMU in 2017. She says dedicated research faculty members are significant factors in the school’s continued advancement. “External funding per faculty member is $369,200 which is up from the last report. In fact, funding has risen since 2019 when $143,700 per faculty member was reported. That means our researchers are doing meaningful work to improve education which is perhaps more important now than ever before in our country and world.” To rank schools of education, U.S. News & World Report considers many factors including research activity, academic quality, faculty resources, student selectivity, doctoral degrees granted, as well as peer assessment scores. Knight says Simmons will continue to strive for excellence. “We are thrilled to have jumped so significantly in this national ranking. We now continue to assess what we can do to improve learning through our research and will work diligently to further advance and build the reputation of SMU’s Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development.” https://blog.smu.edu/simmons/general/sm ... ed-states/ “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
― C.G. Jung
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingSadly, contributes nothing to our academic profile. Does not Boise Junior College
have a strong Education School? While the Education degree may be popular to all the Laura Bird types, it contributes next to nothing to the research mission of most modern Universities that seek AAU status and/or a higher US News National ranking.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingThe two higher ranked Texas graduate education schools are both AAU and grant funding is very important. The average funding at SMU is skewed by large grants but that may also be the case elsewhere.
If SMU is #11 among all private universities, I know that Columbia and Harvard are two of the top programs. Maybe USC as well?
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News Ranking
Schools such as Harvard and Columbia only have Ed schools for purely polical reasons. A "curriculum" composed of content free rubbish for academically challenged dim wits.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingVanderbilt's school of education, Peabody College, is widely considered to be the single best school of education in the world. It was an independent school that happened to be across the street from Vandy when VU bought it for $500,000,000 a dedade or so ago, and it was considered No. 1 in the world even before they joined Vandy. I can't speak for Harvard or Columbia but Peabody is dead serious about educating future teachers.
Great to hear this about Simmons - I have my masters from there. Need to send'em a few bucks.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News Ranking
Nothing more than a way for a C student to make an A. The education degree is garbage and everyone knows it. So glad the vast majority of my H.S teachers had degrees in the subjects they taught. The best being my H.S Physics teacher. It is policy at many academically competitive H.S's to avoid teachers with the ED degree. Parents are correctly afraid of the lowest common denominator. The vast majority of ED teachers could not pass Calculus. This point was hammered home by Edward James Olmos in Stand and Deliver. The greatest and most honest critique of the teaching "profession" ever put to film. As for Vandy: as stated, even elite schools have vocational programs. Some of those programs are worthy unlike the ED degree ( Nursing comes to mind ). Name dropping Vanderbilt is laughable. If I were you maybe you should keep that to yourself if you attend alumni functions lest you make an [deleted] out of yourself. Simmons long term contributes nothing. Are we chasing Boise State and Arlington teachers college or do we someday want to be like Tulane or Wake Forest? No elite school ever became elite by pushing teaching "degrees" or graduate research in the labyrinth of content free BS that is the graduate ED degree. SMU definitely made a mistake by reviving the Laura Bird ED degree as it distracts from the mission of schools that wish to be taken seriously in the world of academia.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingI'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not that unintelligent, so instead
show me on the dollie where the teacher touched you ![]()
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News Ranking
Simmons contribution to SMU is mainly through expanding our Phd programs which we need desperately, and research. I don't disagree with you that all that is basically bunk - but given our make up of schools we cant get to R-1 without Simmons. We need to dump resources into our engineering, medical oriented Dedman programs and Cox - and shrink Perkins and non medical Dedman. Cox is our Bell cow and we need to give it all the rein possible.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingSimmons also provides a path for athletes that want to teach and/or coach after graduation, not that anyone on this board cares about attracting athletes.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News Ranking
C level wit from a moron. Deep thoughts from our resident GED level sage. Keep pretending country boy.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingNo, I'm serious. We can get you some help.
This is a safe space. We all love and support you.
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingDr todd Grande! Greetings! So nice to think u have received the psychiatric
help you are in desperate need of. Give my regards to Laura Shrub and all the other low iq morons your ilk depends on!
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News Rankingreally....?
It took you (counts on fingers) seven months to come up with that comeback....?
Re: SMU Simmons Achieves Highest Ever U.S. News RankingAint got no learning. Sadly, I depend on you titans of medoicrity to guide me!
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