Bring back baseball?Moderators: PonyPride, SmooPower
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Bring back baseball?It’s probably been discussed and I missed it. And not sure what board is the proper one to put it under since baseball isn’t currently a sport, but with ACC membership now, and aside from the SEC, ACC baseball is pretty top notch, is fielding a baseball team again for the first time in decades on the docket?
Re: Bring back baseball?It's been discussed more than once. We would need a ball park and would probably need to add softball as well. Between the cost of land anywhere near SMU and the increase it would drive in the athletic dept budget, I don't see it happening
Bumping this old thread on the other sports tab viewtopic.php?f=5&t=89710&p=1337149&hilit=baseball#p1337149
Re: Bring back baseball?We HAVE what amounts to a minor league ballpark already. Strap on you skates or mount up your bike and a short ride south of campus along the Katy Trail will land you at Reverchon Park.
SMU wants to get plugged-in with the community and Mayor Johnson is a fan, so why not do a joint venture with the City of Dallas? SMU plays home games there, the city gets the concessions. It's a win-win. "It's a couple hundred million dollars. I'm not losing sleep over it." -- David Miller
Re: Bring back baseball?If a sport is added, and that's a big IF for the foreseeable future, lacrosse seems far more likely. There is a field on campus, and it was donated by an important alum. You'd think they would want to keep him happy before adding anything off campus.
Let no one else's work evade your eyes. Remember why the good lord made your eyes. So don't shade your eyes, just Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize! (Only be sure always to call it, please .... "research.")
Re: Bring back baseball?
Agreed and only the ACC and B1G has schools competing in lacrosse
Re: Bring back baseball?As I've said many times, to add baseball or lacrosse, you'd need to add 1.5 women's sports to satisfy Title IX. So, which ever sport you choose, you'll need a mirror image women's sport, lacrosse or softball and a smaller women's sport. Like shooting, bowling, or my favorite, beach volleyball. I personally think the ACC should start a college NASCAR competition. You have NASCAR tracks throughout the ACC footprint. Charlotte, Bristol, Martinsburg, Richmond, Daytona, Pocono, Texas. Imagine an SMU team, a UNC team, a VT team, a Pitt Team, an NC State team, a FSU team, a Duke team. You would also be able to use students of both sexes from the engineering schools to design the cars. If you want to be green it could be for electric cars. Its' ratings would be very high. Those tracks are empty 40-50 weeks per year.
UNC better keep that Ram away from Peruna
Re: Bring back baseball?
Is there an overlap between the players on a beach volleyball team and the regular version?
Re: Bring back baseball?Given the prominence of lacrosse, men and women, in the ACC, I would be thrilled if we added this sport. And, we would become the first Division 1 school in Texas to have it.
BTW. It is a fantastic spectator sport. Last edited by Water Pony on Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pony Up
Re: Bring back baseball?
Could possibly be a recruiting advantage although I don't know how big lacrosse might be for high schoolers in Texas
Re: Bring back baseball?Just spent the weekend watching Alabama play baseball in the Frisco round robin tournament at the Rough Riders facility (it’s really nice). The teams were Bama, Arizona, Indiana, and Dallas Baptist. Great fun and good crowds. Baseball would be great - lots of talent with 50 miles of SMU.
Re: Bring back baseball?seems like we have a pretty good club team. Been following them on IG
Re: Bring back baseball?I realize this is pie-in-the-sky fantasy talk, which is OK to dream about, but in reality would be an extraordinarily foolish move
Adding a new sport, especially Baseball, would require millions of dollars of commitment from SMU annually. Wouldn’t the cost alone of building baseball & softball stadiums approach $20M??? We are living in precarious times where our immediate future is dependent on Football & to a lesser extent MBB, and posters want to divert precious resources to another sport?? I can see it now. ‘Well, maybe we got left behind in the new P3, but our baseball team is really good this year…..in Division 2A’ ![]() ![]()
Re: Bring back baseball?Unfortunately I think you're right.
For some strange reason, one of the few universities that REFUSE to use their school colors: Harvard Crimson & Yale Blue.
Re: Bring back baseball?All in on football.
Re: Bring back baseball?
Let's start with men's track - surely our track is in compliance. And to balance out, add women's tumbling.
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