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Where to watch the game Thursday?

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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby The CPC » Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:00 pm

Ed, you dont know what you're missing, driving fast is a major rush, theres nothing that gets CPC's blood pressure up like serious speed, fast cars, fast planes, fast bikes, fast boats, fast women, downhill skiing, ah.... now thats excitement. To quote one of CPC's fellow celebrities, the ubiquitous and pernicious Vin Diesel, "I love anything that goes fast enough to do something stupid in."
CPC wont get his cast off in time to do any real downhilling this ski season (unless he goes overseas, which may be a bit chancy with war brewing) but coming up in a month and a half is a little event in south Texas called The Big Bend Open Road Race. For 2 days they close down a 60 mile stretch of highway in both directions, and racers can fly as fast as their machines will take them. Cars in the Unlimited division will exceed 220 mph. Think about it Ed, 120 miles covered in about, oh say.... 45 minutes. That is what CPC calls fun.

CPC has been dying to enter this little shindig for years, he just didnt have a car that would be competitive, but now that the restoration project on his Cobra is complete, CPC is going to show those people that a bird doesnt need wings to fly. Its time to burn some rubber on the asphalt. You can be CPC's co-pilot, if you want, he needs someone to man the GPS and the stopwatch, let him now when the curves are coming up. Think about it.

Open Road Racing is the wave of future. Drag racing is fun, but its over too soon, you cant even get up to full speed in a quarter mile. Open Road races are like a drag race, but 100 miles long, and its legal! Check it out, Ed, you've never had an adrenaline rush like this.
Some will tell you that a glass is half empty, and others that the same glass is half full. But all CPC really wants to know is...... does the drink taste good?
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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby PX » Tue Mar 11, 2003 4:31 pm

The Lady Mustangs are crushing Nevada right now, up 20 midway through the second half, so they'll still be playing tomorrow. I'm afraid i have to agree with Nacho, though, with all our injuries its going to be tough to go much further than that.
I hope things go better next year, but injuries have really killed the womens team the last 2 years, and those are impossible to predict. Kim Walters is able to walk without the brace on her knee these days, so it looks like she is making progress, and I am getting a little more hopeful about her return.
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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby Nacho » Tue Mar 11, 2003 5:31 pm

Watch out PX. We will get accused of being too negative. lol

The women were up by 17 with about 7 minutes to go and came close to blowing that game. Never a dull moment when you are a Mustang fan.

It has been a very frustrating 2 years for the women. Hopefully everyone will be healthy next season.
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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby BTPony » Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:11 pm

Eddie P-
I wasn't suggesting a second mortgage. My comment was directed at those who can afford the SHORT trip to Tulsa and chose to stay home. We SHOULD have strong fan support given we're closer than any other WAC school.

We're in a good position to make some noise and the more fan support we have the better!

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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby k pony » Tue Mar 11, 2003 6:49 pm

Humperdinks on greenville will be showing the game.
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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby FloridaMustang » Tue Mar 11, 2003 8:54 pm

For the men's games, I'm seriously thinking about ordering ESPN Full Court. I hate being in FL...no one will show my beloved Mustangs!
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Re: Where to watch the game Thursday?

Postby Eddie P » Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:09 am


If I need to go somewhere fast, I just teleport. Much easier...but very tiring. And did you know you can only teleport into a place you've been to?? Otherwise you might end up materializing in a rock or something and let me tell you it is thoroughly unpleasant. I don't mind being co-pilot, however. I don't like to drive.

The Collective Masses-

Because I know people were counting the seconds, we have officially arrived in Tulsa and set-up base camp. Soon we will go foraging for food and supplies, although I am skeptical of finding anything truly fantastic in this rather "barren" place. The hunting is not good here, as the wildlife seems a bit...different than the kind that roams the greater Dallas area. Still, we will find a way to survive for the next few days.

Ate at Rose's today...it's the only place in Dallas that punishes tall people while rewarding short people. I think G Hedgcock hit his head!! <Laughter>

Still I would trade that minor bump to be as tall as Gerry. I don't have model girlfriends like him!! <Tears>

Whooooo! Go Ponies and Nature Boys!!!!!
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